The food security challenges of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Iran’s growing support 2010 Q4

Publication Expected Jan 2011

Free Sample Introduction (Draft)

This report discusses at a high level the emerging food security threats to the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) countries and the global economic, geo-political and strategic implications this has for the rest of the world. Also discussed is Iran’s unique role and growing support in the region as a result of these factors. Highlighting both the magnitude of the challenge and the speed at which the effects will emerge.

This report is designed as an initial high level introduction for key government and corporate decision makers so that they may better prepare for the emerging challenges and opportunities. Connecting the dots between known facts and bring together pieces of the puzzle with new insights to show the bigger picture.

Modern civilisation is dependent on oil for its existence. More importantly modern systems of trade, economy and military forces depend onsupplies of cheap (High Energy Return On Invested EROI; see section 24) oil to function. The Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) countries account for approximately 75% of the worlds cheap (High EROI) oil exports. Any loss or disruption to this source of High EROI oil threatens to have far reaching impacts on the global systems of trade, economics and geo-political power.

The effects of growing global constraints in grain exports on the PGCC and the OECD’s growing dependence on PGCC oil exports are discussed along with the PGCC’s and OECD’s growing reliance on Iran for food and energy security.